hood meals n shi
this is good
that shi a 5 star meal. dam you be eatenn at a steakk houzee
No context
the shi we eat in da hood is seen as gross by the white people but it jus how we flow n shi. Ion fukwit da dam ceaser salad
You aren’t a real one if you haven’t had this before
dat shi shmacks. ion wanna talk if you aint been in da strruggle n shi. Da fuh!
If ya didn’t get da hood milk brand yu missin out gng
oh god! I remembr this shii
Removed for giving me mental food PTSD
Erickson dat shi be bussinn when you get da godt dam corrn flakez and add a ziff of ciinnamon
Snowmankillerklan2 fr dat shi be bussin
ya didn’t go threw da struggle if didn’t hav dis bussin shi
Caught you Grease-Handed